Wednesday, September 20, 2023

'Spring Delight'
Lisa Amiet


Hello all!
It's Lisa here today to share some spring delight with you!
I have created a set of two cards
to celebrate spring arriving!

2Crafty products used: 

For my first card, I have used one of the large 'Flower Doilies',
that I have embossed in white, for the centre of my card.

I have also used one of the words from the 'Mini Word Set 3',
also embossed in white, and layered with my elements. 

I have then used one of the branches from the 'Foliage Set 11',
again embossed in white and added to my layers.

I love how the bright white pops against the yellow. 

For my second card, I have used one of the 'Pointed Doily Frames',
embossed in white, and layered with some sunflower elements.  

I have again used another of title words from the 'Mini Word Set 3',
embossed in white and added to my card. 

And another of the branches from the 'Foliage Set 11'.

I love the bright sunny feeling of these cards, 
perfect for spring!

Until next time!
