Thursday, October 10, 2024

By Charmane Sharp


My boys, taken on my youngest sons 16th Birthday. I opted for a
monochromatic style with blue wings to highlight my image. Looks
really cool in real life. Hard to photograph but my boys love it.

2Crafty Chipboard used...

Title- Line Words- Good Times
Wing set 2
Sabine's Frame set
Vintage Keys
Mini Checkerboard bits

The title was painted with metallic Silver and I wound some black and
white cord around the long piece for something a bit different and was
really happy with the result.

Sabine's small Frame was placed around my circle of ephemera and the
discard piece from the large frame was placed around the photo. Why waste
something that can be used. Both were painted with Finnabair Raven Black
Sparks Paint and some metallic Silver run around the inside or outside edge.
Finished off with some stitching to accentuate the photo.

I brought out all the details on these wings by watercolouring with some
metallic colours to showcase each section and add a little bit of colour
against the monochromatic look of my layout.

I wanted to add some lengthening detail down my layout so chose some of
 the Vintage Keys which I Watercoloured with metallic colours creating a blend 
finish. I stamped a mixed media stamp on the top with Black Archival
 ink. Then wrapped some cord around like the title for texture.

Finished off with some great textural pieces in using the Checkerboard bits.
I left them with just there Gesso coating and stamped a mixed media stamp
lightly on with a Blue Archival ink pad.

Thanks for stopping by and taking a look at my masculine layout and I hope
to see you back soon for my next share.

Until next time...

Charmane x