Monday, July 8, 2024

'Be your own kind of Beauitful'
layout by Rachael Funnell

Helllo and a warm welcome to the 2 Crafty blog today...
Rach with you sharing my newest layout, this girly page
featuring my gorgeous girl, some fabulous 2 Crafty Chipboard 
& Uniquely Creative - Peonies & Proteas papers & vellum creative cuts

2 Crafty Chipboard used:
Autumn leaves
Foilage set 11
Be your own kind of Beautiful (title)

Let's start with the two types of leaves I have used amoungtst my flower clusters..
First up is the Autumn leaves where I gave the leaves a very light coat of gesso, 
then painted gesso on the tips of the Autumn leaves

Then I have some of the foilage from set 11 inking these with a lovely green 
and cutting into smaller pieces...

The 2017 have been given two thick coats of gessso

Lastly for my title...
Inking the Be your own kind of Beautiful with this gorgeous pink 
using Tim Holtz - Distress Oxide - Victorian Velvet...

I hope I have inspired you in some today
Until next time