Wednesday, July 26, 2023

One of a Kind ~ by Lisa-Marie


Well.... this title speaks for itself! My goofy kid!

These are the chippie pieces I used:

I used pink and purple distress oxide to colour my title and before adding a coat of Glossy Accents, I added some highlight swipes with my silver gel pen.

I chalked my Frankie Frame with gold and added some black enamel highlights.  I cut it up a bit and made use of the top and bottom pieces, above and below my photo cluster - and I used the little leaf bits on the right hand side of my cluster.

My zipper frame has been misted with metallic black and I drew a frame around the edge with my gold gel pen.

I coloured my circle flowers with varying shades of purple and charcoal - and then added highlights with black enamel and purple glitter glue.

Until next time!