Monday, September 25, 2023

Great Memories
By Charmane Sharp


Lovely moment captured with my boys while spending Mothers
Day together for the first time in a few years due to my eldest
living away from home. The brick wall gave me the idea to do a
feminine Steampunk layout. It's joining my girly flowery side with
 my boys technology way of life together for a lovely result.

2Crafty Chipboard used...

Mini Title Stick set 1
Giant Gears
Corner Steampunk 6
Vintage Hot air Balloons
6' Doily Clock Face
Steampunk Gears Medium and Small

I love this Doily Clock heat embossed in a single colour for a
clean contrast to the mixed elements under the photo.

Stacking Gears is so effective when they are heat embossed in a
single colour and while hot sprinkle some Rose Gold on and
reheat so it blends in. Tucking between flowers and underneath
them mixes the feminine feel with the masculine creating great
compostion with the Gears. 

Adding some Vintage Hot air Balloons to the corner of my layout
 pulls all the shades together by creating an ombre finish with four
 embossing powders layered. Then I glued them to some text paper
and cut out for beautiful detail.


I think this simple title says it all. Coating in Vintage Gold wax
allowed that colour to sit in the letters. Then I rubbed Rose Gold
 over gently so the Gold showed through.

Adding the Steampunk Corner to the base of my photo added the
 feminine touch I needed with the swirls it has on each end of the
 Gears. Then I added a mix of Gear sizes around it to add layers. 
Adding in some Finnabair Moulds for extra texture and character
along with a few flowers completed my layout.

Until next time...

Charmane x