Tuesday, August 15, 2023

"A Family of Friends"
Mixed Media Layout By Di Garling

Well hi there & hello. Thanks for stopping by.
Today I have another layout to share with you & it
features my son & his beautiful family.

2Crafty Chipboard Used...
Tiny Filmstrips
"A Family of Friends"-title
12x12 Stacked Filmstrips

So for my title I thought this one "A Family of Friends"
was just the perfect title for any sorts of family photos. I mean,
after all, all our family are most definitely our closest friends. 💗💗

I have used the new "12 x 12 Photo Stack" chipboard piece for my
background, painted it in white acrylic paint, & cut it in half so I could
off set it & then layered all my photos & flowers etc on top of it.
It is a really stunning feature on my page I think.
I also added a couple of pieces on the "Tiny-Filmstrips" which
I painted black as an extra embellishment.

I am releasing this layout as another NEW KIT.
For all the details, cost etc, pop over to MY BLOG.

Until next time.....