Friday, July 14, 2023

"It's A Love Thing"
Layout By Di Garling

Well hi there & hello. Thanks so much for stopping by the blog.
Today I have another layout to share & hopefully inspire you.
I have used one of the brand NEW RELEASE chippie titles.

This NEW piece is called...
"It's A Love Thing" which is just the perfect title
for sooo many different types of layouts.

I firstly wiped it over with some black ink followed by a
very light sponging of some metallique brass paint to give it a
faux brass 
look to match the metal leaves on my page.

2Crafty Chipboard Used...
"It's A Love Thing" - title
 Iron Fence
Ginny's Flourish Set

Next up I used one of the "Iron Fence" chippie pieces which I
simply very roughly wiped over with a black ink pad again
so that it was a little patchy. This gave it a slightly aged look.

I really think the fence panel is such a dramatic chippie piece !!

Lastly I used several pieces of the NEW "Ginny's Flourish Set"
in amongst my flower clustering. These were simply coloured black
so they stand out against the background!!

I am releasing this layout as a KIT.
For all the details pop across to MY BLOG

Until next time.....