Friday, July 7, 2023

'Fairy Tales are never Far' by Emma Zappone

Hi everyone, Em with you today.
Today's project is a little different, a bit of an 'EYE' opener I guess, hehehe! 

I have 4 different chipboard elements on this page, some prominent and others as layers.

Field Mushrooms
Funky Flowers
Fine Leaf Stems
6" Mandala No.5

I just LOOOOVVVVEEE the Mushrooms!
 I painted this one with a couple of different liquid acrylics to match the awesome image,
and then added gold acrylic on the spots on the tops of the mushrooms.
Once dry I added a clear emboss to make it all pop.

The funky flowers were primed with black gesso and then had a script stamp with white ink stamped over the top, subtle but perfect for layering.

The Mandala has lots of layers starting with a prime of Black gesso, 2 different emboss powders, a pigment powder and finished with a clear emboss. Then I added eye balls.

The larger eyes were a little more work. These were placed on the Leaf stems. I cut this chipboard piece up into 4, focusing on the leaves. I embedded the eyes onto them with some paper paste and allowed them to dry. Then I added the liquid acrylics. Finishing it all off with with a glaze.

I really enjoyed creating something a little kooky & different.
And I hope that it inspires you a little too.

I will catch you all again later in the month.
Stay Crafty, Em xx