Morning 2Crafty fans
It's been a while I know, but life has a way of throwing you curve balls and you must do your
best and sometimes that means setting priorities and unfortunately my business had to take a back
seat for a while, so I'm not even going to call this a New Release, as most of these have been requests
from customers or DT members and just thought I'd release them for all.
Today I share all the titles that have been sitting in a file, waiting till I had time and tomorrow I'll
share all the other bits and pieces. There is no theme, just a heap of bits and pieces, but there are
some nice things, so hopefully something will catch your eye.
For all those that have been continuing to order, I thank you, for me wonderful DT who have been
starved of new products to use, I thank you for your patience, fingers crossed I can get some more
free time to design before the end of the year.

If you follow us on the regular, you know that titles are one of our most popular items,
so we love offering as many as we can.
We try and think of titles that are generic, and maybe appeal to the masses, versus specific
but of course they will always be specific to your special pages or projects.
Family as been at the forefront on my time away and a lot of these new titles would be great
for all those everyday moments we share with family and friends.
We always listen to customer requests and are appreciative for suggestions.
Hope you see some that you might like to work with.
We urge you to let you local store know if you are interested, but if you can't find a local store,
you can always buy direct from us now via the website which we have opened up to retail
customers as well as servicing our Retailers.
Thanks for stopping by for a look and also for your patience.
The year has flown by and hope that things slow as we approach the last quarter of the year, where
we all get crazy busy with Christmas.
Vanessa xx
2Crafty Owner