Hello there 2Crafty fans, thanks for stopping by the blog.
Today I have a little mixed media layout to share with you & naturally
I have used some gorgeous pieces of our favourite 2Crafty chipboard !!
2Crafty Chipboard Used...
Steampunk Corner Set #6
Clock Face Discs
Clock Face Discs
Mini Word Set #3
Mini Decorative Frame Set #2
Mini Doiley Disc Set

After firstly creating my mixed media background I set about customising
all my chipboard pieces, starting like always, with a good basecoat of white gesso
followed by some watercolours in aqua.
Don't you just love that "Steampunk Corner" tucked underneath my photos
& used as a flourish instead of a corner!!
A couple of the "Clockface Discs" tucked in amongst all
my layers along with some fussy cut elements & lots of beautiful flowers.
my layers along with some fussy cut elements & lots of beautiful flowers.
One both the "Mini Doiley Discs" & also on the "Mini Decorative Frame"
I gave a couple of coats of white acrylic paint followed by a sprinkling of glitter
to add to the whole feminine vibe.
Well thats all from me today, I will be back later in the month
with more inspiration for you.
with more inspiration for you.