Hi friends, thanks for calling by. Today I have three layouts to share with you.
I have gone all shabby chic this month, starting off with this one in pinks & yellows.
I have used one of my favourite 2 Crafty chippies sets here, starting with the
"Leafy Shrub Set #2". There are four beautiful flourishy pieces of foliage
in this set & they are the perfect accessory for any sort of flower cluster.
All the chippies on this layout were treated in the same way. Firstly they were all
given a coat of gesso to prime them, followed by some 13arts paint & then a
random wipe over with some Distress ink. Some of the leaves were also given
a touch of texture paste for a bit of added interest.
The sweet little script words I have used on this layout are a new release item,
& are called "Mini Words #1" this set has eight different words in the pack.
They are a great size to add in here & there.
For my second layout today I have this one of my gorgeous Grandaughter. I just adore
this cute photo of her & I have placed it in this sweet little envelope.
Again in keeping with the whole shabby feel I have used two "Floral Branches".
They are just like a cherry blossom, & after firstly priming with gesso I have
painted them with acrylic paints. When dry I have brushed a little distress ink
in the middle of each blossom & then finished off with a pearl.
I do love how all the detail on the chipboard still shows through the paint.
I have used this title, "Cherished Moments" which is
another new release from 2Crafty. This was simply painted
with white acrylic paint after firstly coating it with gesso.
Lots of background treatments & stamping.
In this pic you can see I have also used a
"Birdcage #1". These come two in a pack & also include the
little bird too. This piece is actually from 2Crafty's ATC range
so they are small enough to be tucked in as I have done here.
Also a great size for cards too.
The cage was given the same treatment as the title.
My last chippie piece I have used on my layout is this corner
from the "Corner Mini Set #1" which was again treated the
same as the title then I simply added a few flowers for effect.
Firstly I used the "You - Title". This is my most favourite font. 2Crafty literally
make hundreds of amazing titles, you should pop over to their website & check
them all out & then ask your local scrapbook store to order them in for you.
I have also used a "Chicken Wire Panel" which I always cut up into
several pieces & poke little bits in here & there around my layout.
Some fussy cutting, stamping, misting & loads of yummy flowers.
All the chippie pieces in this layout were firslty primed with a coat
of gesso, followed with a coat of white acrylic paint. Too easy.
Another favourite 2 Crafty piece I have used is some "Gears".
When painted white, gears & cogs work really well layered in
with flowers for a great shabby chic look.