Saturday, September 1, 2012

A mini tour of Tasmania & meeting my family - Linda Eggleton

Hi there everyone....welcome to September!
Have you been enjoying all the fabulous creations from the new DT over the last month?
I know I have thoroughly enjoyed each & every one of them & have been very inspired by their  gorgeous work & fab techniques.
Well, guess's time to do it all again for buckle up & enjoy the ride!
First stop...Tasmania! :)
My first layout I want to share with you today is a layout I created using a photo taken at
Cradle Mountain in Tasmania on our holiday there earlier this year......

"A vision of beauty"
I've used 2 pieces of 2crafty chipboard for this layout....The main piece being the stunning
Twiggy Branch piece, and also a gorgeous Delicate Butterfly.

For the Twiggy Branch piece, I have given it a coat of gesso as a primer, then painted it in Antique White acrylic paint. Once dried, I have inked in a few different coloured inks (Pinecone, Tea Leaves & Coffee Bean) to make the leaves & branches look as realistic as possible.

I have also added a small amount of dry brushing with gesso on the leaves to help hightlight & add a bit of visual dimension to them.

I've applied the same techniques to the gorgeous Delicate Butterfly to help
tie it in with the Twiggy Branch piece.

And here's a close up of the whole branch....where I've added a mixture of flowers to give the whole piece a vine type effect.

Ok, next up family :)
This photo was taken last Christmas...taken with the camera on a tripod with the self timer on. We don't often get photos with us all together, so this one is extra special :)
"We are Family"

I've used 3 different 2crafty chipboard pieces for this one....Cartia's Swirl at the bottom of my photo, a Damask piece on the top of my cluster & a Tiny Kathleen's frame that I've cut in 2 pieces & placed side by side at the top of my layout.

I have painted all 3 pieces in brown acrylic paint...and then dabbed some gesso here & there with my finger. I've also added a few pearls onto the Cartia's Swirl.

And the same techniques & pearls for the Damask piece.
And again for the Tiny Kathleen's frames...
where I've just added some old book paper to the back of each piece.

And lastly....a layout that you may have already seen around the traps, created for a sketch challenge on the Skissedilla blog.  This photo was also taken in the Broad Arrow Cafe memorial site at Port Arthur.....
"The Broad Arrow Cafe"
Using the beautiful Tahnya's 6" border - I love that this piece is so fine & delicate & that it can easily be placed on top of layers of paper/ribbon etc without overpowering the layers below - & there's also an adorable little Bird Cage in my cluster at the side of the layout.

I have left these pieces mostly raw, with just a little bit of Pinecone ink dabbed here & there,
as well as some gesso dabbed in spots with my finger.

And the same for the birdcage....but I've left the little birdie in plain brown ink
to help him stand out from the rest of the cage.

So, there you have it....a mini tour of Tassie & meeting my family along the way :)
I hope you have enjoyed my creations & are inspired by the 2crafty chipboard pieces
& the techniques I've shared.
If you'd like to see more of my creations using 2crafty chipboard, you are most welcome, and I would love you to come and visit my BLOG
Thanks so much for dropping by today & taking the time to see my creations.
If you're not already a follower....and would like to keep up with all the fab creations from all of the DT, then please do become a follower over there on the side bar >>>> ,
and/or on the 2crafty Facebook page.
Have a great weekend everyone!
