Today I get to share a technique with you all…I have decided to show you how to alter your chipboard with thick embossing powder…for this I have used the Oval Ornate Frame…VersaMark Ink and Pipe Dream Opals (wild Hibiscus). using this technique gives you a rich glossy finish to your chipboard and is relatively easy to do….I have included some step by step instructions below my layout “Play and Laugh” for first timer users to follow.
Step1: You will need Chipboard shape (this technique works well on really fine items beautifully) Versa Ink (or embossing ink/pigment ink)and A thick embossing powder such as Pipe Dream Opals or Utee.
Step 2: Ink over the surface with your Versamark liberally…this will create a very sticky surface to which your embossing powder will adhere.
Step3: Place embossing powder into a flat tray then lay chipboard face down (sticky side down) into the embossing powder pushing down to coat the surface.
Step 4: Ensure the chipboard has a good coating on it and then place on a heat proof surface ready to be melted with a heat gun. Once the embossing powder has melted (while still liquid) dip again into the embossing powder and repeat this step 3 times to achieve a even glossy finish.
Step 5: Once you have an even finish… set your chipboard aside to set (this should only take approx 30 sec) do not handle until set as it will disrupt the finish on the surface.
I hope that you have enjoyed the tutorial and have ago at altering some of the gorgeous chipboard that Vanessa has to offer in the 2 Crafty range.
You can find the frame I have used on this project HERE
Until Next Time – Susan Longman