Thursday, July 11, 2024

Beauty Within
By Charmane Sharp


Native flowers are so beautiful. I wanted to make the gorgeous Ornate
Dragonfly a focal point so I placed it on top of my flowers. Such a pretty
chipboard piece.

2Crafty Chipboard used...

Ornate Dragonfly
Mini Doily Disc set
Mini Title stick set 3
Foliage set 10
6' Parisian Border

I sprayed Lindy's French Lilac violet on the Dragonfly after Gesso of course.
Then sprayed with Frozen Jack Frost to lighten the colour. Heat dried and dry
brushed on some Gesso to highlight the details on the wings. Finishing with
some bling on the body.

I love how the Doily Discs had elegance and texture to my layout.
Especially putting in the middle of my floral cluster. I rubbed Finnabair
Wax over the Doilies in Electric Violet and then randomly in Heather
Hills for a two toned finish.

2Crafty has so many Foliage pieces to add the finishing details to any
floral cluster. Set 10 was sprayed with Lindy's Sea Grass Green and Sea
 Mint Green. Heat dried to blend the two colours and then dry brushed
with Gesso to soften the end result.

Parisian Border adds some elegance on the side of my photo with a Glossy
coat of White embossing powder.

A simple title this time to reflect the wildflowers, was chosen. Mini title
Stick Was sponged with Gesso to create texture. Finnabair Wax in Electric
Violet was Rubbed over pushing the wax in stand the words. Then
 Heather Hill was rubbed over lightly to highlight the texture and make
 the words stand out.

Until next time...

Charmane x