Thursday, September 28, 2023

A Layout in Beautiful Summery Yellow Tones
By Di Garling

Well hi there & hello.  Di Garling here with you today.
Thanks so much for stopping by.

Today I have yet another layout to share with you in lovely 
tones of summery yellows!!
2Crafty Chipboard Used...
"Fine & Fancy Butterflies"
Stars from the "ATC Tiny Hearts & Stars" Pack
Groovy Flowers
LOVE title in loopy font

All of the chipboard pieces were firstly given a basecoat of white gesso.

Next step on both the "LOVE" title & also on the "Tiny ATC Hearts" I
simply very lightly sponged on a small amount of apricot acrylic paint 
before finishing them off with some Stickles glitter.

Next came the
 "Fine & Fancy" butterflies & also all the "Groovy Flowers".
These were all given a coat of metallic bronze paint & again I 
finished them of with some Stickles glitter.

I also cut ALL the "Groovy" flowers in half to tuck all round the edges
of my clustering. This way it gives you twice as many!!

I am releasing this layout as another KIT.

For all the details, cost, how to order etc
pop over to my BLOG.