Monday, July 31, 2023

"Discover" layout by Moira Gilowey


Hello again 2Crafty friends.
I am sharing my new layout with you all
today featuring some of their
beautiful chipboards.

Chipboards which I used on my layout are

~ viney page frame,
~ field mushrooms,
~ iron fence, and
~ "Discover" title.

Before adding my chipboards to my 
layout, I altered them as follows ...

Viney page frame ~
I painted my frame with pink paint, 
lightly dusting the leaves with diluted green paint 
and then adding white gold wax to the leaves 
and some of the stems.

Iron fence ~
I painted the fence with green paint 
and then lightly rubbed with white gold wax.

Field mushrooms ~
I heat embossed these cute little 
mushrooms with Platinum 
embossing powder, applying pink crystal 
drops to some of the circles on the tops 
of the mushrooms.

Title ~
I painted the "Discover" title with 
pink paint and then lightly rubbed it 
with white gold wax.

I then added cut-outs, flowers and 
lace to my layout to frame my photograph.

I hope that this layout has inspired you.

See you again next time!