Monday, April 3, 2023

Amazing Day
By Charmane Sharp


Hello everyone, Charmane here to share a special moment
celebrating New Years Eve with my son. As you all know
special moments with your teenager are treasured. This was
the perfect end to an Amazing Day together. The images evoke
an electric feeling hence my Steampunk vibe. Recreating Gears
moving to create a bright circle of light.

2Crafty Chipboard used...

Title- Amazing Day
Corner Steampunk 6
Steampunk Gears Medium and Small
Asst Chain Lengths
Industrial Light Bulbs
6' Circle Revolution Frames
Light Bulb Word set
Giant Gears

The Circle Revolutions mimic the rotation of the Sparkler.
After I painted them with watercolour they were glued to paper
I had applied some texture paste and a stencil to. Making them
original embellishment pieces.
Using the Steampunk Corner pieces as a base I added more Gears
under it and on top to build layers. They were all painted with 
Metallic Watercolours and an Archival Black ink was lightly 
brushed over.

Chain lengths were placed on top of the Gear clusters at varying
lengths to break the Gears up. The title was painted with two
 watercolours blended and some Black archival ink run over the top.

Creating a grouping of Steampunk Industrial Bulbs and a 
Light Bulb word in the corner adds to the mechanical look.
All the chipboard elements add together to create a mixed 
media masculine layout that I hope you appreciate.

Until next time...

Charmane x