The "Film Strips - Medium" I painted with black Gesso and backed
with some old book pages. I cut it in half and placed it under my photo.
The "Chevron Bits" were treated the same way including the frame in which
the chevrons are cased in. I love to use every little bit of 2Crafty Chipboard that I can.
The words in the title Sweet Treasure, came from the "Friend Word Card".
I love these little word cards. You can use just one word from them or, like
I've done here, you can combine two or three together to make a whole title.
I painted them with white Gesso and then used watercolours to tint them slightly.
My final layout out is my favourite of the three. It is my Sister and brother in-law.
I love this photo because it shows my sister as her true nutty self!
I painted the "Revolution Frame" with black Gesso and when it was dry,
I ran my white ink pen roughly around it to give it a sketched look.
Five stars in total from the "ATC Hearts and Stars" card are included on
the layout. Each one is coated in white modelling paste and left to dry, giving
them a rough textured finish.
The "Today - Loopy Font" word I painted with yellow acrylic paint to tie in
with the background. It starts off my quote from Dr Seuss
"Today you are you, that is truer than true".
There is more to that quote but I didn't want to detract from the yellow
"Today - Loopy Font" and it said what I wanted it to say.
So that's me for the month. I hope you've had an awesome September and I
look forward to catching up with you all again in October.
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