As you all know, Easter is upon us. I have ALWAYS made presents for my daughter's teachers. At pre-school miss 3 has 7 teachers, and I normally would make one each for them. Yes, I am over-ambitious! Last year I made individual bird houses, and they were VERY popular.
This year however, I haven't had a spare minute to make individual gifts, but put a couple of nights aside to finish ONE present for them to share.
I painted an egg carton, added some Echo Park "Victoria Garden" paper, and started to embellish. Helping me out was the gorgeous "twiggy branch". I used my favourite white mist from Studio calico, then cut the branch into two pieces and spread them out under the flower cluster.
On the word "Easter" I used the same yellow Jenni Bowlin paint as for my carton base, and when that had dried I added some kindy glitz to get a little sparkle.
And, don't you worry... There's also EDIBLE goodies inside...
Happy Easter everyone!!